http://www.myosource.com/ Danny demonstrates drills with the Myosource Kinetic Bands and talks about the benefits of Resistance Training. Dennis Still, who played 20 years of professional Basketball overseas, runs drills and talks to the kids at basketball camp.Dennis Still played Professional Basketball for 20 years in the Argentine basketball League.
Work the "Core" quads, hams, glutes, hip, hip flexor for speed, quickness, agility, cardio, leg strength, vertical, acceleration. These young athletes are getting great training for muscle development and sport specific training.
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speed quick feet endurance stamina
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myosource kinetic bands
resistance tubing
resistnace therabands
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youth high school college pro
baseball basketball football soccer track volleyball
fist step
slam dunk
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ball handling
conditioning Distributed by Tubemogul.
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Submitted By: Coach McQueen
Basketball Speed Quickness Myosource Kinetic Bands Resistance Training Tubing Jumps
Categories: Sports